Thursday, October 28, 2010

Updates on the Nov. 18th Staff Meeting

Tutors Chelsea Pruitt and Beau
Lewis work collaboratively on their
grammar presentations in the discussion pit.
As the date for the next Comm Lab staff meeting approaches, Rachel wanted to remind all of the tutors about the Grammar Lottery activity.

She sent an email to all of the lab staff that included the instructions for the presentations, as well as a deadline for when they need to be complete.

Tutors will need to send the completed presentations to Rachel by November 8th.

The best mini-lesson will also receive a prize.  It is still unknown what that prize will be.

Tutors will also be participating in "Comm Lab Tutor Scruples," a game that challenges tutors to ponder how they would act in a hypothetical scenario that could or does happen during the daily lab routine.

Tutors will present their grammar lottery presentations
at the Comm Lab staff meeting, Thursday, November 18th.
Rachel has provided some scenarios that range from dealing with "tutor burnout" to handling difficult students.

Tutors and lab assistants are encouraged to come up with their own scenario and email them to Rachel before the staff meeting.

The other big activity planned for the November 18th staff meeting is the Annual Thanksgiving Pot Luck.

Tutors are encouraged to bring their
favorite Thanksgiving dish to the
staff meeting pot luck.
A sign-up sheet has been placed on the door of the break room for tutors to volunteer to bring a delicious dish for all to enjoy.

There is no theme to this year's pot luck, though some staff members have pledged to bring a full turkey, implying a Thanksgiving dinner theme.

If you have an idea for a dish that you would like to contribute, please see Lydia or sign up on the sheet in the break room.


  1. Hi everyone!

    For those of you working on your mini grammar lesson, be on the lookout for a new grammar book in the lab designed for those who provide grammar instruction. I hope it will prove to be a valuable resource. Also, I would like to encourage tutors to be creative and playful--within appropriate boundaries of course! :) For example, this comic from The Oatmeal is wacky without making jokes that might make one squeamish (unless you are very put off by hats made out of pork products):

    happy planning,


  2. Comm Lab, I can feel myself already becoming addicted to blogging! Concerning the upcoming tutor scruples activity, I thought I would post this video depicting an SAT tutoring center. While the purpose of the tutoring is different, I think this is an entertaining example of why student-centered tutoring philosophies are important. Enjoy!
